Microwaves are electromagnetic
waves that have a frequency range from

external heating sources. As a result, the thermal gradients and flow of heat is the reverse of those in materials heated by conventional means. A conventionally cooked Baked Alaska has the ice cream on the inside whereas a microwave cooked one has the ice cream on the outside! It is possible to heat both large and small shapes very rapidly and uniformly and as the absorption of microwave energy varies with composition and structure it is also possible to have selective heating.
Selective heating is desirable
for palaeomagnetic purposes as the magnetic constituents can be specifically
targeted. In fact it is possible to go one better by using ferromagnetic resonance
(FMR) to demagnetize directly the magnetic particles with the microwave
energy, before the energy is transferred to the lattice as heat. This leads to reduced
heating of the bulk matrix of the sample and hence less alteration during experiments.
As far as the magnetic particles are concerned, however, microwave heating is
exactly the same as with conventional heat. In the demagnetization process, the spin
system of the magnetic grains is excited (Walton, 1986, Section 1.1.3)
both with microwaves and conventional heat. It is solely the method of getting the
energy to the spin system that differs between the wo processes. In the Liverpool
microwave technique the mechanism of FMR is used.There are different
mechanisms by which microwaves (and lower frequency electromagnetic waves) can
couple to a material and a whole host of ways that the microwave energy is
subsequently lost to the system. The main loss mechanisms are electric,
conduction (eddy current), hysteresis and resonance (domain wall and electron spin
(FMR)). It is often difficult to ascertain which loss mechanism, or combination of
mechanisms is occurring for a particular sample in given conditions. The different
mechanisms do however have different dependencies on certain properties
such as sample type and micro-structure, frequency and temperature. A
brief description of these different loss mechanisms will be given below for
background purposes before a detailed description of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)
phenomena including high power effects is given. Finally the role of
microwave heat in industry will be touched upon with particular reference to
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