Hi friend in my previous blog I have discussed the detail
procedure of AMIE SECTION B
Registration of all Engineering branches. I already discussed what is necessary things while the filling up of the AMIE Section B Registration form. Those who does not see the above said procedure then please see the link to know the detail procedure.
Registration of all Engineering branches. I already discussed what is necessary things while the filling up of the AMIE Section B Registration form. Those who does not see the above said procedure then please see the link to know the detail procedure.
Many students of AMIE asked us in our forum and facebook
page that is Engagement certificate is necessary while filling up the AMIE
Section B registration form? Today I am discussed about that.
Many candidates do AMIE without job. In Section A there is nothing in Engagement details in the registration form. So when a
candidate enter to do AMIE they does not give engagement certificate. But though AMIE is a professional course which
is running by IEI (INDIA). So when you pass Sec A and enters to the Sec B then
you have to give the engagement certificate by your employer. The engagement
certificate must be filled by the higher authority of your employer. In this
engagement certificate contains which
should be filled by your higher authority are like Name and address of
the organization, nature of the organization, nature of activities of your
company, No of employees in the company and lastly he should certify you that
you are working in his / her company. And finally he should sign the form and
give the designation of his / her post and write the IEI membership no. if he
does not have any membership no then he / she should write that position is “NIL”.
Finally a seal of the organization must be stumped in the proper position.
If any does not have any job then he / she must be sign any
temporary company / organization. Becasuse
IEI is a institute for professionals. But IEI does not verify that where you
are working. So you can give any company with a seal.

Hope you understand. Please reply if it is helpful to you.
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